Our digital flyer management system emails district, school, and community flyers directly to families and posts them to school-specific websites.
Information for registering for the 2024-2021 school year is now available. Please check our registration page for details.
Register now in ParentVue
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- Log in using your APS Google account
The Counseling Department at Hoover is well aware of the mental health strain such an event can have on all of us, so they have put together a website with resources and ideas to help get your family help or simply participate in a mindfulness exercise to manage stress.
Counselor Resources
Please remember to sign up for the Parent Faculty Organization. We are always looking for volunteers in the classroom, school store and for scheduled school events.
Hoping to be Less Wrong07/30/20
Grab and Go Meals旋风加速器
Pick Up Grab-and-Go Meals at APS High Schools Starting in August老王下载地址官网
Register Online for the 2024-2021 School Year老王2.2.11下载
Have You Responded to the Census Yet? It's Not Too Late!07/30/20
Santo Domingo Pueblo Feast Day
Board Members Attend Virtual NALEO 37th Annual Conference
Board of Education Meeting老王佛系免费
Board Members Attend Virtual NALEO 37th Annual Conference